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Staff is always great, we always leave there with all questions asked. Dr. Hochstein is amazing with kids and his work is always great. I love that he makes his patients feel at ease during the treatment and he allows one parent or adult in the room during treatment.

Elizabeth T., Dallas

As a mother, we always want to make the best choices for our children. Dr. Hochstein, Dr. Jeong and the staff are without a doubt, the best dental team for my children. The experience begins at the door as we walk in and my children instantly feel welcomed! I am confident that they are in the best hands through out their visit. We feel treated as we are family. Great team!

Office Location

  • Dallas
  • 2244 S. Buckner Blvd.
  • Suite B
  • Dallas, TX
  • 75227
  • Map & Directions
  • Call: (214) 381-0663